A Friendly Crammer and A Philosophical Child
May 24, 2020
Dear Creampuff,
In a situation where its the only option, what are your methods for pulling an all-nighter?
-Friendly Crammer
Dear Friendly Crammer,
Creampuff thinks that you might have already messed up if an all-nighter is your only option before an exam. Nonetheless, Creampuff can give you some advice because Creampuff has been in a similar situation too many times. That being said, Creampuff thinks that pulling an actual all-nighter would harm your ability to take the exam more than it would help—and it is not healthy either. What Creampuff usually does is Creampuff would go over all of the homework questions and pick ones that Creampuff is having trouble with. After that, Creampuff would try its best to learn how to solve those questions! This would usually take Creampuff about 3-4 hours. I know that the academic year is almost over, but Creampuff hopes that you never have to try this method next fall!
Good Luck!
Dear Creampuff,
How do I get better in Pre Calc Honors?
-Aspiring Math Student
Dear Aspiring Math Student,
Mathematics is definitely a challenging subject for many students, so don’t stress too much if you have trouble keeping up in class. The most important thing to do if you want to get better at anything is practice! What Creampuff usually does is that with every homework assignment, Creampuff would label each question with a difficulty from 1 to 3. If the difficulty of the question is 1, Creampuff would do the question 1 time. If the difficulty is 2, Creampuff would do it 2 times. If it is 3, Creampuff would do it 3 times. Although this sounds tedious, it really works! If you decide to take a higher mathematics course next academic year, give this method a try!
Good Luck!
Dear Creampuff,
What is the best snack when in quarantine?
-Hungry Student
Dear Hungry Student,
It definitely isn’t a creampuff.
Dear Creampuff,
What’s your favorite color?
-Artistic Student
Dear Artistic Student,
Creampuff’s favorite color is light blue!
Thanks for asking!
Dear Creampuff,
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
-Philosophical Child
Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist who lived through a concentration camp during the Second World War. During his time at Auschwitz, he came to a conclusion: “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” Human is a creature of meaning and purpose, but it seems as though many of us have the “means to live, but no meaning to live for”. Because of this, we could find ourselves dwelling over the question: Where do I find my purpose? Maybe we will stumble upon it as we go on about our lives, or maybe we will simply wake up one day and realize what our purpose really is. Or maybe the answer isn’t so clear simply because we are not asking the right question. Creampuff doesn’t have a philosophy degree and has never gone through an experience that would make it more credible in the field. However, Creampuff believes that meaning and purpose are not things you could stumble upon or wake up one day realizing. Creampuff believes that meaning and purpose are things that you create for yourself. Creampuff believes that only you know the answer to your question.
Sorry if that was too philosophical!