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The Magnet

The student news site of The MacDuffie School.

The Magnet

The Magnet

Mohammed Abbasi

Mohammed Abbasi, Social Media or Photography Editor


Mohammed Raamiz Abbasi is on the Editorial Board for the Magnet. He’s currently a Senior in his fourth year at The MacDuffie School, as well as his third year being on the Magnet. Most of the time, he is working on the astronomical amount of homework that his classes have presented to him. However, he still manages time for the things that he loves to do most, including programming many websites and apps, playing the piano, ukulele, and guitar, as well as making music with his friends.

He also learned how to drive recently, so he has been actively seeking an opportunity to drive, whether it is a short 15-minute ride to Dunkin Donuts, or a 1-hour 30-minute drive from Boston Logan International Airport to home. Although he spends a lot of his time alone, he still values his friends and family, as they were the ones who shaped the person he is today. Without this support network, he could not reach the success he has had so far in his life. Therefore, he tries to give back to his community and everyone who has helped him in subtle ways, and whether or not it works, he still tries on working to make himself better than he was before (which is a lesson that can be applied to anyone). He is looking forward to another eventful, successful, and positive school year both inside, and outside of school. 


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Mohammed Abbasi